Because Chesterton Academy of Our Lady of the Wayside is a newer school, we are working to expand our athletics offerings. We value the importance of athletics as a means of building character and promoting physical health. Our current athletics program includes:
Boys’ Cross-Country
Girls’ Cross-Country
Cross-Country Skiing
Track & Field
Clubs & Activities
Horseback Riding
Swing Dance
Sewing Club
Debate Club
Chess Club
Fall Camping Trip
Winter Camping Trip
Summer Camping Trip
School Play
Faith & Service
Pro-Life Club

House System
Chesterton Academy’s House system is drawn from the 1,000 year-old tradition of Christian education exemplified in the colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. The Houses provide real, tangible community within the larger school, giving students the opportunity to take ownership, fulfill the call to leadership, and to cultivate the ideal conditions for virtue. Each House has one or two prefects, a faculty advisor, and a parent liaison.
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Our Life of Faith
Daily Mass The Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life [….] for in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch.” (CCC 1324). For this reason, every school day begins with Holy Mass.
Faith at the Center The faith is the central reality from which all academic disciplines flow and derive their meaning. Faith is at the core of our academic program. All subjects we teach through the lens of the Church. This makes our school unique. Religion at Chesterton Academy is not merely one academic subject among many.
Retreats and Prayer Students pray the Morning Offering and the Angelus. Retreats are held throughout the year.
Unique Calling Each person has a unique and unrepeatable gift. Students are prepared for life which means finding their vocation and discerning their calling for their lives.
Building up the Kingdom of God We encourage our students to use the skills they acquire at Chesterton Academy in faith, hope, and charity to build the Kingdom of God in this life and be with Him in everlasting happiness in the next.

Rome Pilgrimage
Every other year, Chesterton Academy juniors and seniors have the opportunity for a pilgrimage to Rome, Italy. They encounter relics from the saints, and see in real life the wonders of the ancient churches in the Eternal City.
Evan Kellar '18
March for Life — Ottawa
Annually in May, our high school students attend the March for Life beginning with the Rally on the Hill, followed by the March for Life through the streets of downtown Ottawa, and then a return to the Hill. In the evening, they participate in the Youth Banquet, and then the Youth Conference the next day.
may 2018
March for Life