Quicklinks & Downloads
2018-19 Parent-student handbook
Uniform Policy (Appendices B, C, D)
School Supplies List (Appendix E)
athletics Registration
Calendar links
Jupiter Grades
Important Dates
New Volunteers
Thank you for volunteering at Chesterton Academy! We are blessed to have many parents who give back so generously with their time and talents.
All Chesterton Academy volunteers who have either regular or unsupervised interaction with minors must complete the Essential 3 requirements outlined below. These requirements must be completed before volunteering and kept up-to-date.
Background Check. The background check is run by an archdiocese-approved agency and provides a criminal history. This is an important step to screen out individuals who might present a danger to children and youth. Please also complete and return a copy of the 123B Informed Consent Form to Chesterton Academy so we can complete your background check.
VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children for Adults Awareness Session Attendance. VIRTUS live training is a three hour awareness session which better equips adults to protect children and youth in the world around them. VIRTUS sessions are offered throughout year and at various locations across the archdiocese, including Chesterton Academy.
Register online for VIRTUS
Complete the online mandatory training video, “Reporting Suspected Child Abuse”
Register for a VIRTUS Training – Protecting God’s Children 3-hour session at a location of your choice, and choose Chesterton Academy as the place you volunteer
Complete online Code of Conduct
Please contact the Safe Environment Coordinator Elizabeth Lindholm with any other questions regarding E3/Safe Environment requirements.
Information for Non-Parent Volunteers. In addition to the items outlined above, please complete and return the Volunteer Application and Information form.
Current Volunteers
Thank you for volunteering at Chesterton Academy! We are blessed to have many parents who give back so generously with their time and talents.
All Chesterton Academy volunteers who have either regular or unsupervised interaction with minors must complete the Essential 3 requirements outlined below. These requirements must be completed before volunteering and kept up-to-date. The Re-Credentialing Guide will help you through this process.
Updating Your E3 Status. The Essential 3 (E3) must be updated every 3 years, via the VIRTUS website. If you need to re-credential your E3 status, please do the following:
Background Check. You can update your general /contact information if needed. If the 123B Informed Consent report was not generated with your previous background check, please sign and return to Chesterton.
Chesterton must have a copy of your background check on file. If you have already completed a background check at another location, you can have your file transferred to Chesterton via the Background Check Report Sharing Form.
Please contact the Safe Environment Coordinator Elizabeth Lindholm with any other questions regarding E3/Safe Environment requirements.